Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge

In Antrim this weekend we stayed in a little village a short walk away from the Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge. There is around a kilometer to walk along a cliff path after buying a ticket to get to the bridge. It spans a huge drop between the cliff and a small island. It's really cool. This is a picture of Hugh crossing back over the bridge. As you can see, Summer is in full swing here and everone is taking in the sunshine. The cliff in the background is where we came from. I imagine it's a lovely walk if it's less rainy.

This is a picture of looking down over the side of the island that the bridge crosses to. The water is flat calm and perfectly clear. We could see ducks diving to hunt fish, and follow them as they swam around underwater.

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