Monday, February 19, 2007

Baby wipes floor with Catherine's Costume

Long an upstanding member of the fancy-dressing community, Catherine donned a new Zorro number for Halloween this year. However, her success was short lived when a small boy with inpeccable costume taste arrived later on in the night. Who was this masked genius? Note the masterfully consealed hair, stern poker face and glitzy golden stitching. Also note the cool sword control with stylish fencing number, as opposed to catherine's animal barbarian weapon of choice. Tisk tisk. He amazed and entertained with his cutting of "Z"'s into the upholstery for several hours before setting off in style by leaping from the top floor window onto a passing horse. Stunning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i couldn't find a real zorro sword, they don't have them in dublin. that kid is probably spanish i don't think it's fair competition!